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domingo, janeiro 10, 2010

queriam guita

Aos comentadores, amigos, inimigos e assim-assim, que aqui exprimiram opiniões ou sugeriram links se pede desculpa pelo facto de esses comentários terem desaparecido abruptamente; o que se fica a dever ao facto de o "Haloscan/Echo" ter interrompido o serviço gratuito que desde sempre esteve activo neste blogue; avancemos...

1 comentário:

estouxim disse...

...tomem lá manguito!!!

"Guess who runs the security at Amsterdam Schipol airport? ICTS of course! the same Israeli owned security company that somehow managed to let the shoe bomber on his Miami flight in 2001 and several of those mythical hijackers who allegedly flew out of Boston's Logan airport on 9/11. It is also useful to remember that the shoe bomber was cleared through ICTS and El Al security at Amsterdam airport on a flight to Tel Aviv in July 2001 for what was apparently an all-expenses paid week-long trip to the Israeli city. What precisely he did there remains a mystery."

Vale a pena a leitura, estabelece outras ligações interessantes.